The nature and characteristics of international transport of goods

2018/3/6 15:24:52

The nature and characteristics of international transport of goods

I. the international transport of goods is an invisible international trade

(1) the concept of international transport of goods

Transport the transport object, divided into the cargo transport and passenger transport, from the transport of goods, and can be divided by areas of domestic cargo transport and international transport of goods in two categories. International transport of goods is the transport between the state and the state, the state and the region. International Carriage of goods can also be divided into two types: international trade, material transportation and non trade goods, such as exhibits, personal luggage, office supplies, foreign aid materials, etc. Because the transport of non trade goods in international freight transport is often only the supplementary business of the trade and material transport department, international freight transportation is usually referred to as international trade transportation, and from a country, it means foreign trade transportation, or foreign trade transportation.

(two) nature of the international trade transportation

In international trade, commodity price includes a commodity price, commodity price has larger proportion in the commodity prices in general, accounting for about 10%; in some commodities, for 30% ~ 40%. The price of goods is also the same as the production price of goods. With the change of market supply and demand, the price fluctuates around the value. The freight rate of commodities will be exchanged with the physical form of goods into the international market. The change of commodity tariff will directly affect the price change of international trade. The main object of international freight transportation is international trade commodity, so it can be said that international carriage of goods is also a kind of international trade, but it is used for exchanging goods instead of physical form, but a special commodity, that is, the displacement of goods. The so-called commodity price, that is, its exchange price.

From this, we can draw such a conclusion: from the perspective of international trade, international transport of goods is an intangible international trade.

The characteristics of two, the international transport of goods

Is the international transport of goods between countries, national and regional transport, compared with the domestic transport of goods, it has the following main features:

(1) international transport of goods related to the issue of international relations, is a strong policy of foreign activities

International transport of goods is a part of the international trade organization, in the process of transport of goods, often with foreign directly or indirectly the extensive business contacts, this link is not only economic, but also often involves international political issues, is a strong foreign policy activity. Therefore, international freight transport is not only an economic activity, but also an important foreign affairs activity. This requires us not only to handle various businesses with economic views, but also to have policy ideas and carry out international transportation business according to the requirements of China's foreign policy.

(two) international transport of goods is a middle link of many long-distance transport

Is the international transport of goods between countries, national and regional transport, in general, the transportation distance is long, often need to use a variety of means of transport, through repeated handling, to go through many intermediate links, such as transshipment, transform the mode of transport, through different countries and regions, to adapt to different countries the regulations and rules. If any one link problems, will affect the whole transportation process, which requires us to organize, interlocking, avoid disjointed phenomenon in some areas, lead to the loss of transportation.

(three) international transport of goods involving a wide range of complex situation

International transport of goods related to many departments, need to deal with different countries and regions, shippers, transportation, commodity inspection agencies, insurance companies, banks and other financial institutions, customs, ports and various intermediary agents. At the same time, due to the different laws and policies of different countries and regions, the differences between financial and monetary systems and the changes of political, economic and natural conditions will have a great impact on international freight transport.

(four) international transport of goods at the time of

Punctual shipment of import and export of goods, timely delivery of the goods to the destination, to fulfill the contract of import and export trade, commodity competition meet market demand, improve market competitiveness, timely settlement, are of great significance. Especially for some fresh products, seasonal products and sensitive commodities, it is more urgent to transport rapidly, and organize the supply without delay, which will help improve the competitiveness of export commodities, and help consolidate and expand the sales market. Therefore, the international transport of goods must strengthen the concept of time, struggle for time and speed up the speed, so as to win the victory quickly.

(five) higher risk of international transport of goods

In international cargo transport link, long distance transport, involving a wide range, the situation is complex, and the time is also strong, changes in the international situation, the transportation process of social unrest, natural disasters and accidents, and war and embargo or pirate activities, may directly or indirectly affect the international transport of goods, so as to cause the serious consequences, therefore, a greater risk of the international transport of goods. In order to transfer the risk loss in the course of transportation, all kinds of import and export goods and means of transportation need to handle transportation insurance.
